Synchronicity, as defined by Wikipedia, is when two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occur together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance.
Synchronicity occurs frequently in my life. Because I choose to live intentionally each day, (my Meditate on the Go Journal helps me do that) those things I think and feel come to me without a lot of effort. Actually this is true for everyone. It has been called the Laws of Attraction. Whatever you are thinking and feeling is creating a frequency that causes you to vibrate. Like frequencies are attracted just like magnets. It is happening all the time whether you believe it or not. Many times it happens to our detriment because most of what we think and feel is negative. Worry and fear about lack for example, will bring more lack. However the fact you are on this website tells me you are vibrating something within you that is seeking the information I have to impart. It is always my intention that as I learn, I impart the information freely to others. Last night I was flying home from Tennessee with my husband after a gift show, where we were exhibiting his invention. (Check out to see his product.
My 19 year old son, Cameron, is serving a mission for the LDS church. For those of you who don’t know, this is where he gives up 2 years of his life to serve and teach others about Jesus Christ and the LDS church. (You may have seen missionaries in your area, young men in suits and ties on bicycles or by foot teaching others). At the age of 19, this is an amazing sacrifice. He has no contact with us, his family except through email and letters. I’m very proud of him for making this decision to serve.
Anyway, his mission started 2 months ago. He has been in the Missionary Training Center learning Spanish since he will serve in Chile. Last night he was en-route to Chile and had a layover in the Dallas airport. The exact same time our layover from Tennessee to Salt Lake City occurred! He had emailed me his departure times, when I realized we would be in the Dallas airport at the same time. I went on line to find out which airline flew out at the times he mentioned. Low and behold it was our same airlines. I had the opportunity of spending 30 minutes with him last night! I couldn’t stop touching him.. Amazing, the power of synchronicity. I am grateful for it every day!
I believe it happened with my son and me because I think of him often, and he thinks of us, his family often. We landed at the airport in another state on Sunday night at 7:30 pm for thirty minutes at the same time. Two events, that are not likely to occur by chance at the same time, occur in a meaningful manner, synchronicity. I also believe my spiritual help had a lot to do with orchestrating the event. My mommy heart is full of gratitude for the experience, since it will be September of 2012 before I see him again. As you can see by my red nose, I express a lot of emotion. :)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Receiving Answers
I have often wondered about why things happen and what my role in them is. I see myself in situations where people I love walk away stronger, better, healthier, and I am left behind! If I could figure out why or what I am supposed to learn, it might not hurt so much.
Dear Cathy:
Many times in situations you feel left behind, it is because of the judgment you are placing on the situation and yourself. The feelings of inadequacy and the lack you feel within is creating blocks from feeling love and comfort. Here are a few tips to try in these scenarios.
1. Remember, You are a spiritual being having human experiences. This means you are Infinite, Divine, Love and loved. You are on this planet experiencing up's and down's, pain and contrast to love. Why? For the journey of it. You are choosing and have chosen these experiences to give you more knowledge, understanding, compassion and insight about who you really are without these patterns. How could you know peace without pain, happiness without sorrow, joy without sadness. All of these emotions are part of being human.
2. The reason we choose this humanness is what I call "The Message of Love" which states that coming from a place of all knowing unconditional love, you chose these experiences and people in your life because you knew what a blessing they could could be in the end. The blessing of knowledge and experience you gain is too valuable to ever put a price on it.
3. Instead of "Why me?" ask "What Can I learn from this?" This question will give you more insight about the present situation and what information you wanted to gain from the experience, from your Divine space. Quiet your mind, Ask the question, then write whatever words, impressions or feelings come to you in your journal. If you are experiencing blocks to receiving answers download the 11 part audio, "Strengthening Your Intuitive Muscle" this has many exercises recorded from the live training, Intuitive Living, to remove spiritual blocks.
4. Whatever you become attached to on this planet, whether it be another person or an object, you will need to let go for your own personal spiritual growth. Attachment creates blocks to your Divine Self. When you are attached, you become needy and desperate on expectations that if not met, will create pain. This blocks your spiritual growth and at some point in your life, you will have the opportunity to let go of anything that creates attachment.
HINT: If the Universe is calling you to detach from someone or something, bless it, release it and move on. Here is a great statement I use. "I release you on your journey as I go on mine, thank you for the learning I received."
5. Reframe needs or attachments to preferences. A preference is a way of being that releases addictions from controlling you. "I prefer this outcome rather than need it. As a result, you will experience more peace, joy and love as every day experiences. That is what we came here to learn..
Congratulations Cathy for being bravely on your path and helping our readers..
I have often wondered about why things happen and what my role in them is. I see myself in situations where people I love walk away stronger, better, healthier, and I am left behind! If I could figure out why or what I am supposed to learn, it might not hurt so much.
Dear Cathy:
Many times in situations you feel left behind, it is because of the judgment you are placing on the situation and yourself. The feelings of inadequacy and the lack you feel within is creating blocks from feeling love and comfort. Here are a few tips to try in these scenarios.
1. Remember, You are a spiritual being having human experiences. This means you are Infinite, Divine, Love and loved. You are on this planet experiencing up's and down's, pain and contrast to love. Why? For the journey of it. You are choosing and have chosen these experiences to give you more knowledge, understanding, compassion and insight about who you really are without these patterns. How could you know peace without pain, happiness without sorrow, joy without sadness. All of these emotions are part of being human.
2. The reason we choose this humanness is what I call "The Message of Love" which states that coming from a place of all knowing unconditional love, you chose these experiences and people in your life because you knew what a blessing they could could be in the end. The blessing of knowledge and experience you gain is too valuable to ever put a price on it.
3. Instead of "Why me?" ask "What Can I learn from this?" This question will give you more insight about the present situation and what information you wanted to gain from the experience, from your Divine space. Quiet your mind, Ask the question, then write whatever words, impressions or feelings come to you in your journal. If you are experiencing blocks to receiving answers download the 11 part audio, "Strengthening Your Intuitive Muscle" this has many exercises recorded from the live training, Intuitive Living, to remove spiritual blocks.
4. Whatever you become attached to on this planet, whether it be another person or an object, you will need to let go for your own personal spiritual growth. Attachment creates blocks to your Divine Self. When you are attached, you become needy and desperate on expectations that if not met, will create pain. This blocks your spiritual growth and at some point in your life, you will have the opportunity to let go of anything that creates attachment.
HINT: If the Universe is calling you to detach from someone or something, bless it, release it and move on. Here is a great statement I use. "I release you on your journey as I go on mine, thank you for the learning I received."
5. Reframe needs or attachments to preferences. A preference is a way of being that releases addictions from controlling you. "I prefer this outcome rather than need it. As a result, you will experience more peace, joy and love as every day experiences. That is what we came here to learn..
Congratulations Cathy for being bravely on your path and helping our readers..
Thursday, August 5, 2010
When Heaven seem silent
Many times prayers are not answered in the way we think they should be. Sometimes when life is painful, the heavens seem silent.
I remember feeling this during a particular time in my life when I was changing careers. I had received an answer to a prayer to pursue a particular business that in the end was not profitable.
I had partnered up with another individual doing consulting, leadership training and human development for businesses. We had been going door to door consulting with companies giving them bids for our trainings and coaching. We called our company, Momentum Leadership. We did several trainings throughout this four month period, but not enough to sustain an income for both of us. It was causing a lot of turmoil in my marriage. My husband said we could not afford me being away from home so much and not making a steady income. At that time, Momentum Leadership had a large bid out to provide a substantial amount of training and I said to God, if we don't get this contract, I have no choice but to stop doing this business that I had originally felt I inspired to do. When the contract did not come in, I was devastated. I was angry with God. "Why did you lead me down this path if in the end, I could not continue it due to lack of funds? Why did I trust? Do I not receive answers like I thought I did? Where did the answer to start Momentum Leadership come from in the first place? Was it not you? Was I deceived? Why is this happening?"
I was on the floor bawling, wondering if every other prayer that had been answered was also a fluke? Was God even real? I questioned all my beliefs and spiritual experiences. I went to bed emotionally drained, frustrated and not wanting to hear an answer ever again for the fear of being deceived. About 30 min. later Margie, a dear friend called me and said "I was just saying my prayers before going to bed and had a strong impression to call you and let you know God is aware of you and loves you. I don't know why but maybe you need to hear it." Sniffling, I told Margie of my experience of having to quit the business I loved and had felt inspired to start. She responded that although we don't have complete understanding of why things happen, there is a reason and lessons can always be learned from the experience. From our view point, we can't see the whole picture but more will be revealed as we continue to put our trust in God.
It was because of Momentum Leadership that I gained clarity in wanting to serve in the self-help field. I gained confidence doing trainings for businesses and saw the break-through individuals received as a result of our consulting. It was soon after that, that I began offering trainings in my home to small groups of individuals looking for personal development. I started seeing clients one on one offering "personal empowerment sessions" charging $30.00 an hour. I began attending more alternative healing modality trainings, learning about emotional pain and how to heal it. I became passionate on my journey and read every text I could get my hands on concerning the topic. Although fear overcame me many times and my career took many detours so that I could bring in enough money to sustain, I eventually became full time seeing clients and teaching. 9 years later, here I am, training others to do what I am most passionate about. AND NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY...
When the heavens seem silent or answers to prayers aren't what you thought was the ideal end result. Be patient, trust, watch and listen. There is more information to come for you that will be for your higher good.
I remember feeling this during a particular time in my life when I was changing careers. I had received an answer to a prayer to pursue a particular business that in the end was not profitable.
I had partnered up with another individual doing consulting, leadership training and human development for businesses. We had been going door to door consulting with companies giving them bids for our trainings and coaching. We called our company, Momentum Leadership. We did several trainings throughout this four month period, but not enough to sustain an income for both of us. It was causing a lot of turmoil in my marriage. My husband said we could not afford me being away from home so much and not making a steady income. At that time, Momentum Leadership had a large bid out to provide a substantial amount of training and I said to God, if we don't get this contract, I have no choice but to stop doing this business that I had originally felt I inspired to do. When the contract did not come in, I was devastated. I was angry with God. "Why did you lead me down this path if in the end, I could not continue it due to lack of funds? Why did I trust? Do I not receive answers like I thought I did? Where did the answer to start Momentum Leadership come from in the first place? Was it not you? Was I deceived? Why is this happening?"
I was on the floor bawling, wondering if every other prayer that had been answered was also a fluke? Was God even real? I questioned all my beliefs and spiritual experiences. I went to bed emotionally drained, frustrated and not wanting to hear an answer ever again for the fear of being deceived. About 30 min. later Margie, a dear friend called me and said "I was just saying my prayers before going to bed and had a strong impression to call you and let you know God is aware of you and loves you. I don't know why but maybe you need to hear it." Sniffling, I told Margie of my experience of having to quit the business I loved and had felt inspired to start. She responded that although we don't have complete understanding of why things happen, there is a reason and lessons can always be learned from the experience. From our view point, we can't see the whole picture but more will be revealed as we continue to put our trust in God.
It was because of Momentum Leadership that I gained clarity in wanting to serve in the self-help field. I gained confidence doing trainings for businesses and saw the break-through individuals received as a result of our consulting. It was soon after that, that I began offering trainings in my home to small groups of individuals looking for personal development. I started seeing clients one on one offering "personal empowerment sessions" charging $30.00 an hour. I began attending more alternative healing modality trainings, learning about emotional pain and how to heal it. I became passionate on my journey and read every text I could get my hands on concerning the topic. Although fear overcame me many times and my career took many detours so that I could bring in enough money to sustain, I eventually became full time seeing clients and teaching. 9 years later, here I am, training others to do what I am most passionate about. AND NOW YOU KNOW THE REST OF THE STORY...
When the heavens seem silent or answers to prayers aren't what you thought was the ideal end result. Be patient, trust, watch and listen. There is more information to come for you that will be for your higher good.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Are you experiencing change and or pain in your life?
The summer solstice is tomorrow morning. That means the earth's energy is changing. We are officially in a new season as of 5:30 am on June 21st. With each season, the earth goes through, frequency's or energy is also changing. I believe the earth is taking on a higher vibration. The planet is moving closer to Christ consciousness or that of unconditional love. With that higher vibration comes change for us. If you are experiencing change which can be painful, celebrate it. It is there to teach you a valuable lesson about who you are to bring you closer to unconditional love.
3 simple steps to move through change and or pain with grace and ease.
1. Instead of "Why me?" ask "What can I learn from this?"
2. See the Message of Love - which is who you are is a Divine Individual wanting to learn about this experience. Somewhere, sometime you agreed and even volunteered for this experience to learn more about the truth of who you are.
3. Quiet your mind to receive answers and journal those answers.
All of your experiences, especially the painful ones are designed to get your attention to discover more of the truth of who you are. Congratulations on moving more towards Christ Consciousness. If you are looking for more insight on this, feel free to email me.
3 simple steps to move through change and or pain with grace and ease.
1. Instead of "Why me?" ask "What can I learn from this?"
2. See the Message of Love - which is who you are is a Divine Individual wanting to learn about this experience. Somewhere, sometime you agreed and even volunteered for this experience to learn more about the truth of who you are.
3. Quiet your mind to receive answers and journal those answers.
All of your experiences, especially the painful ones are designed to get your attention to discover more of the truth of who you are. Congratulations on moving more towards Christ Consciousness. If you are looking for more insight on this, feel free to email me.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Lessons from our deceased loved ones
Memorial Weekend is the time of the year to contemplate our loved ones who have crossed over. (scroll to the bottom of the page first so you can hear the songs I created to play for you while reading this article. The first is "There can be Miracles when you believe" It is my wish for you to receive miracles concerning your loved ones.)
Passing is a near and dear subject to me as I have experienced the loss of many I love. It seems that recently this subject has been more prevalent as I have received inquiries about loss and grieving.
It has always been a fascinating topic for me. Some of my most profound spiritual experiences have been feeling the presence of those relationships who are now in spirit form. I have learned much from them about the other side.
One who is near and dear to me is my husband's first wife, Julie, whom I have never met here in the physical. However, she is a very dear friend as she has been a tremendous influence in my life and my marriage. She has helped me as a mother and a wife; in many instances, she guides me with what to say and do. I feel her presence when I am with her children, my step-children and she teaches me how to love them unconditionally. She has also many times helped me see my husband from a more spiritual point of view when I have needed to understand him.
She taught me much about unconditional love. The first time I felt her presence brought so much love to me that I was humbly overwhelmed with tears of joy. She taught me that there is no such thing as the emotion of jealousy in this spirit realm where she resides. After feeling her presence, I could never feel jealous or anything but love for her. This has been a great blessing in my life, for as many of you know, when someone crosses over, they can be exalted and put on a pedestal, and being the second wife, I wondered if I could measure up. It was important for me to have the experiences with her that I did so that I would not feel inadequate coming into this family 14 years ago.
My Father's passing taught me that we can be loved and comforted with these loss relationships anytime we desire. We must learn to quiet the chatter in our minds so we can sense their presence and listen. One day when I was mourning my father's passing he came and reminded me that he is available anytime I need him, he let me know that time and space cannot separate us and he would be there for me. These relationships can actually be more available to us now than they were on earth as we come to understand this concept. Time and space does not have to separate us. From their new perception, they can understand us better by experiencing our point of view. There is not much room for mis-perceptions as there was when they were alive and communicating with us. They desire to reach us and speak to us. They're love for us comforts our grieving hearts. Ask to hear, feel, smell, and even receive their touch in a way that is possible for you.
If you are in deep pain with the loss of a loved one, you may need a grieving session where I take you through learning to access your loved one and commune with them. Together we transform the broken, empty space in your heart that their passing left and create a new relationship there so that you can experience them with love rather than pain.
I also have trained Life Coaches who can take you through this process if I am not available. Don't worry if you are not local, My life coaches and I see clients all over the world using a program called skype where you can see me and I can see you.
I have written an E-book, "Understanding Death of the Body" that is available when you sign up on my front page
It will take you to a page of free stuff for you where you can find the E-book. If you have already signed up and don't have the link to the free stuff, you can email me and I will send it to you. Also on my website is an audio download on how to be more spiritually connected with your angels and deceased loved ones. It's an 11 part audio packed with A Lot of information for only $27.00
It's my wish and desire that you connect with your loved ones in a way that heals your broken, grieving heart. My prayers are with you.
Passing is a near and dear subject to me as I have experienced the loss of many I love. It seems that recently this subject has been more prevalent as I have received inquiries about loss and grieving.
It has always been a fascinating topic for me. Some of my most profound spiritual experiences have been feeling the presence of those relationships who are now in spirit form. I have learned much from them about the other side.
One who is near and dear to me is my husband's first wife, Julie, whom I have never met here in the physical. However, she is a very dear friend as she has been a tremendous influence in my life and my marriage. She has helped me as a mother and a wife; in many instances, she guides me with what to say and do. I feel her presence when I am with her children, my step-children and she teaches me how to love them unconditionally. She has also many times helped me see my husband from a more spiritual point of view when I have needed to understand him.
She taught me much about unconditional love. The first time I felt her presence brought so much love to me that I was humbly overwhelmed with tears of joy. She taught me that there is no such thing as the emotion of jealousy in this spirit realm where she resides. After feeling her presence, I could never feel jealous or anything but love for her. This has been a great blessing in my life, for as many of you know, when someone crosses over, they can be exalted and put on a pedestal, and being the second wife, I wondered if I could measure up. It was important for me to have the experiences with her that I did so that I would not feel inadequate coming into this family 14 years ago.
My Father's passing taught me that we can be loved and comforted with these loss relationships anytime we desire. We must learn to quiet the chatter in our minds so we can sense their presence and listen. One day when I was mourning my father's passing he came and reminded me that he is available anytime I need him, he let me know that time and space cannot separate us and he would be there for me. These relationships can actually be more available to us now than they were on earth as we come to understand this concept. Time and space does not have to separate us. From their new perception, they can understand us better by experiencing our point of view. There is not much room for mis-perceptions as there was when they were alive and communicating with us. They desire to reach us and speak to us. They're love for us comforts our grieving hearts. Ask to hear, feel, smell, and even receive their touch in a way that is possible for you.
If you are in deep pain with the loss of a loved one, you may need a grieving session where I take you through learning to access your loved one and commune with them. Together we transform the broken, empty space in your heart that their passing left and create a new relationship there so that you can experience them with love rather than pain.
I also have trained Life Coaches who can take you through this process if I am not available. Don't worry if you are not local, My life coaches and I see clients all over the world using a program called skype where you can see me and I can see you.
I have written an E-book, "Understanding Death of the Body" that is available when you sign up on my front page
It will take you to a page of free stuff for you where you can find the E-book. If you have already signed up and don't have the link to the free stuff, you can email me and I will send it to you. Also on my website is an audio download on how to be more spiritually connected with your angels and deceased loved ones. It's an 11 part audio packed with A Lot of information for only $27.00
It's my wish and desire that you connect with your loved ones in a way that heals your broken, grieving heart. My prayers are with you.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy Easter (click on link to Glenda Green, Artist's website)

This weekend my heart is full of gratitude for Him. He is my Master, Teacher and Life Partner. It is because of Him that I do what I do. I celebrate this weekend as his birthday since it is the weekend that he is most celebrated and I believe it is not only his birth into immortality but also near his physical birth on the planet.
Yeshua, as I have come to know him taught me how to let go of attachments and turn all my pain over to him. He taught me how to trust, how to forgive and how to see others through His eyes. It was him who held my shaking body when I lost my first love. I was pleading in a heap on the floor with a broken heart begging God to take away the pain after my divorce. "Who would be there to love me and my 3 children?" I pleaded. The convulsions ceased as I felt his arms envelop me like a warm blanket "I LOVE YOU AND THAT'S ALL YOU'LL EVER NEED" A life-changing moment for me.
At the most painful moment in my life, giving up my children in a custody battle, He was there. He took each of my children when I laid them on the altar in my sacred meadow. It was at that time I purged my soul to him. Not knowing how I would survive without my 4, 6, and 8 yr. old living with me. My whole identity of who I thought I was as a mother was ripped out from under me. It was He who gave me a new IDENTITY. I was awakened to remember who I really am. It is this reason, I so desire others to have the same experience. This is how I came to be. We come to teach that which is our greatest challenge in overcoming.
I encourage you this weekend (Even if you are not Christian) to commune with Him. He is an Enlightened Being and He wants to be your life partner. Consider the possibility He wants you to see him as your equal and best friend. He wants you to see yourself through His eyes. Request this.. Your life will never be the same.
When I meditate with Him, this portrait is the man I see. My friend, Bob Nelson showed this painting of Him to me several years ago. When I saw it, I wept feeling his exquisite love. Of all his portraits, this one has hit home to me the most.
Glenda Green the talented artist tells her touching story here of how she came to paint him.
Spend some time checking out her site, she is incredibly gifted. Her story is beautiful. Take some time this weekend to meditate on His love for you. ASK Him who you are....
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Come back to the love you are
"What would create the most amount of healing in the shortest amount of time?" I have been asking this question since the beginning of 2010. "How can I - We get a message of hope, healing, peace and love to the world?"
The answer always comes back to love. Teach, show and be the love that you are. We are all love. Love is who you are and love is all you are. Everything else you are acting from is an illusion or an act coming from a place of need. Need to prove, need to get, need to have, .....need to try and be something because we believe we're not. This need or lack is born from the ego, who believes we are separated from that love and does everything it can to try to obtain the feeling of it. Yet it is already within you, me and everyone. AWAKENING IT is our journey here on planet earth.
What if you, I, we, the world really got this concept of love? What would the world be like? If you are reading this message, you are answering the call to come back to the love that you are. Congratulations! If you're wondering what that looks like, quiet your mind and ask. The answer is within you. "How can I be and act the love that I am?" This is your purpose here. To learn and teach this to others in a way that is unique only to you.
My own answer has come to instill that love in others through products and playshops. This year that is where my focus is. I have created a journal and a day planner that are designed to raise your vibration daily. (If you don't have these tools, get them today....) tools for your AWAKENING
Today I am creating music with my friend Ken Kruckenberg. Actually I am sitting here sending love and writing while we are in his studio and he is the one (with the angels) creating music. Ken is a very talented musician and light worker. (click on his name to see his website.) He created the music on Heather Macauley's cd 'The Silent Language of Peace' which I also highly recommend.
Spirit prompted me to request of Ken to create a musical cd to play in the background of your work and home environment to clear negative energies, raise vibration and create unconditional love. Karen is Ken's partner. She is a very talented Intuitive. She and I met this morning to create a sacred space for Ken. I was very honored to create a ritual with her.
I am so excited about this project! I want you all to be part of it because it is for you! Please send your love and intention for the music to transform you as you listen to it. Here is the actual email I sent to Ken and Karen. (Kelly and Jessica I refer to in the email are dear souls who have recently crossed over)
Watch for the music to be released soon! I will keep you posted.
Hi Ken and Karen,
I am blessed to know you both and work with you on this project. It could not be completed without either of you. There is a sense of urgency for this music to be created. I am humbled to play a part with such masters as you both. Ken, your gift is amazing and you have been chosen to use it to channel HIS LOVE. I know it will bless millions of lives on earth as well as many existences, including right now for Jessica and Kelly.
Karen Could you meet with me at 10 in the morning to cleanse the place?
This is very sacred work, and I will prepare myself as well through meditation, prayer and what I put in my body.
Please try to avoid harsh foods or chemicals in the next 24 hours.
Bless you both..
(Ken, know that you have elected to do this long ago. You have already created it in another existence. You will just be tapping into remembering it. )
Here is my intention for the music
• Ken is a clear channel of unconditional love
• The music transforms negative energies back to a state of wholeness
• The music is a vibrational match to whole and healthy chakras
• Each note is infused with God Source
• As each person hears, feels, experiences the music, their spirits are lifted to levels of compassion, understanding, forgiveness and transformation.
• The music will be played as background music in people’s homes to transform relationships, heartache, depression and pain
• Ultimately the music will be a conduit to acknowledge God Source as each individual gets who and what they are as being ONE with IT
• The more individuals listen to it, the more peace and joy they will experience as part of their reality
Lots of love to you both with many blessings for co-creating this…
I love you.
The answer always comes back to love. Teach, show and be the love that you are. We are all love. Love is who you are and love is all you are. Everything else you are acting from is an illusion or an act coming from a place of need. Need to prove, need to get, need to have, .....need to try and be something because we believe we're not. This need or lack is born from the ego, who believes we are separated from that love and does everything it can to try to obtain the feeling of it. Yet it is already within you, me and everyone. AWAKENING IT is our journey here on planet earth.
What if you, I, we, the world really got this concept of love? What would the world be like? If you are reading this message, you are answering the call to come back to the love that you are. Congratulations! If you're wondering what that looks like, quiet your mind and ask. The answer is within you. "How can I be and act the love that I am?" This is your purpose here. To learn and teach this to others in a way that is unique only to you.
My own answer has come to instill that love in others through products and playshops. This year that is where my focus is. I have created a journal and a day planner that are designed to raise your vibration daily. (If you don't have these tools, get them today....) tools for your AWAKENING
Today I am creating music with my friend Ken Kruckenberg. Actually I am sitting here sending love and writing while we are in his studio and he is the one (with the angels) creating music. Ken is a very talented musician and light worker. (click on his name to see his website.) He created the music on Heather Macauley's cd 'The Silent Language of Peace' which I also highly recommend.
Spirit prompted me to request of Ken to create a musical cd to play in the background of your work and home environment to clear negative energies, raise vibration and create unconditional love. Karen is Ken's partner. She is a very talented Intuitive. She and I met this morning to create a sacred space for Ken. I was very honored to create a ritual with her.
I am so excited about this project! I want you all to be part of it because it is for you! Please send your love and intention for the music to transform you as you listen to it. Here is the actual email I sent to Ken and Karen. (Kelly and Jessica I refer to in the email are dear souls who have recently crossed over)
Watch for the music to be released soon! I will keep you posted.
Hi Ken and Karen,
I am blessed to know you both and work with you on this project. It could not be completed without either of you. There is a sense of urgency for this music to be created. I am humbled to play a part with such masters as you both. Ken, your gift is amazing and you have been chosen to use it to channel HIS LOVE. I know it will bless millions of lives on earth as well as many existences, including right now for Jessica and Kelly.
Karen Could you meet with me at 10 in the morning to cleanse the place?
This is very sacred work, and I will prepare myself as well through meditation, prayer and what I put in my body.
Please try to avoid harsh foods or chemicals in the next 24 hours.
Bless you both..
(Ken, know that you have elected to do this long ago. You have already created it in another existence. You will just be tapping into remembering it. )
Here is my intention for the music
• Ken is a clear channel of unconditional love
• The music transforms negative energies back to a state of wholeness
• The music is a vibrational match to whole and healthy chakras
• Each note is infused with God Source
• As each person hears, feels, experiences the music, their spirits are lifted to levels of compassion, understanding, forgiveness and transformation.
• The music will be played as background music in people’s homes to transform relationships, heartache, depression and pain
• Ultimately the music will be a conduit to acknowledge God Source as each individual gets who and what they are as being ONE with IT
• The more individuals listen to it, the more peace and joy they will experience as part of their reality
Lots of love to you both with many blessings for co-creating this…
I love you.
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