The summer solstice is tomorrow morning. That means the earth's energy is changing. We are officially in a new season as of 5:30 am on June 21st. With each season, the earth goes through, frequency's or energy is also changing. I believe the earth is taking on a higher vibration. The planet is moving closer to Christ consciousness or that of unconditional love. With that higher vibration comes change for us. If you are experiencing change which can be painful, celebrate it. It is there to teach you a valuable lesson about who you are to bring you closer to unconditional love.
3 simple steps to move through change and or pain with grace and ease.
1. Instead of "Why me?" ask "What can I learn from this?"
2. See the Message of Love - which is who you are is a Divine Individual wanting to learn about this experience. Somewhere, sometime you agreed and even volunteered for this experience to learn more about the truth of who you are.
3. Quiet your mind to receive answers and journal those answers.
All of your experiences, especially the painful ones are designed to get your attention to discover more of the truth of who you are. Congratulations on moving more towards Christ Consciousness. If you are looking for more insight on this, feel free to email me.