Friday, August 22, 2014

Robin William's Death Affecting Millions

On Aug. 11, 2014 A dear soul chose to exit this human experience.  Robin Williams has impacted millions of individuals with his life of love, service and entertainment. Now as his soul has exited his body, he serves us on another level.  He facilitates opening the collective consciousness to our own darkness and pain, and supports us in healing it with him.
This story has impacted me so much I have needed days to process it before I could write.  So many of us were shocked and saddened by the news.  How could someone who was loved by the world not be able to feel his contribution and love by others?  His death has impacted millions of individuals and caused us to look within at our own darkness.  Perhaps, this was also part of his purpose here on the planet;  To inspire great joy and service while in his body and through his transition, cause us to go within and face our own emotional pain and heal it.  

I feel very connected to this purpose and am dedicated to continuing it.  I humbly have had a unique opportunity to experience some understanding from Robin's perspective.  I also feel his passion and purpose in continuing to bring awareness of depression and the effects of addiction to others.  

Depression is a sickness all sensitive souls have experienced at some time.  Some of us experience inherent depression (birth trauma is associated with this) and situational depression (which is caused from external events that occur such as losing your job, a relationship or death etc.)  You could be one who experiences both.  There are many forms of depression and causes of it.  Educate yourself on what it is for you and when you get it. 

In this dense energy we can't see, feel or experience light or love.  I know in my own "dark night of the soul," I was ready to drive my car off an overpass so that my children would think it was an "accident" and not blame themselves.  In that moment of my life, deep sadness and dark engulfed me and I saw no other way out of it.  
Whatever stopped me from pushing the gas pedal in that moment, still stirs my soul now to continue to learn, grow, heal patterns and teach others how to do the same thing.  
Most sensitive souls on the planet have had suicidal ideations and need skills and tools to cope with these emotions.  I feel a great need to get the message out to the masses.  
There is hope!  There are tools to provide understanding and forgiveness for yourself and others.  We need help getting this message out there.  Learn the tools for yourself and share, share, share.... 
The acronym I use for healing is AWAKEN.
Aware -  Become aware of your thoughts and feelings to understand what triggers your internal upsets.
Willing - Be willing to break the pattern by getting the support and help you need. There are many Light Workers on the planet with many modalities of healing.  Follow your heart to find what resonates for you.  I use Intuitive Life Coaching as well as Rapid Eye Technology for myself and my clients.
Ask - Ask "Who Am I without these negative beliefs? and Where would I be without them?"
Knowledge - Seek knowledge.  Educate yourself about your patterns, your thinking and tools to heal it.  Ask your Spiritual Team to show you the "truth" about you.  
Embrace - Embrace your Light.  Embrace your Dark.. Embrace your patterns.  There is a purpose in them.  You are here to experience duality and contrast to learn that you are not your thoughts nor your patterns.  You are greater than all of it.  You are Love!  Ask to experience this.. 
Now-  Stay in the now, the present where healing is available to you.  If you are in negative thinking patterns, your mind is in the past (guilt and regret) or it is in the future (fear and worry).  By learning to stay in the Now, you can experience more peace and joy in your life.   

I honor you on your journey of wellness.  It is my intention to provide information, tools, sessions and educate the masses.  Together let's lift the consciousness of Love to be more prevalent on the planet.  Learn to Be the Love that you already are!  If you are interested in becoming an Intuitive Life Coach or a Rapid Eye Technician contact me.  

In our last Thought Watchers Support Group, we discussed the topic of inherent and situational depression and birth trauma.  You can listen here.  

If you need additional coaching or your birth cleared.  Contact me or one of my Light Workers for an Intuitive Life coaching session and a Rapid Eye Birth Clearing, ( List of Rapid Eye Technicians near you).  This is essential for your wellness! 
Lots of love coming your way!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Your 12 Energy Centers called Chakras

Our Human Energy System

A Chakra is a vortex of energy that regulates and maintains our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects.  The word means “wheel of light” in Sanskrit.  They serve as revolving doorways or portals between our mind, body and soul.  They connect us to the multi dimensional universe.  They take in and process higher vibrational energy so that we may assimilate it for the physical body. 

We have major and minor chakras.  The major chakras regulate our most major functions in the body and the minor chakras regulate more minor functions.  There are twelve major chakras, seven, which are in the physical body.  The other five chakras are out of our physical bodies but are still associated part of our physical existence.   They have a front and back side to them and create literal vortex’s of energy moving through our body.

Chakras are recording centers.  They record life events in them similar to brain cells.  They record past life -time encounters as well as present lifetime situations.  They record the negative as well as the positive.  This is where we also hold DNA patterns from ancestors.  This can be problematic when we are storing information from the DNA that is not actually are own experiences. 

We can communicate with each chakra to discover blocks, imbalances and information stored here. 

Each chakra is like a revolving door of giving and receiving.  It has a male and female aspect.  The Yin (female) aspect of the chakra receives information and its effects on our self and the yang or energy output and its effects on the outer world. 
1st chakra  root- grounds you to earth and physical survival  “I have”
womb to 6 mo. developed
2nd chakra  sacral- releases innate creativity and pleasure  “I feel/want”
developed 6 mo.–2 yrs.
3rd chakra  solar plexus – vitality and will, personal power “I can”
2 ½ - 3 ½
4th chakra heart – bridges physical and spiritual, love compassion and empathy “I love” 4 ½ -6 ½
5th chakra throat- inspires you to speak and listen in spirit and truth “I speak and listen” 6 ½ -8 ½
6th chakra third eye – gives you vision beyond sight past present and future “I see”
8 ½ -14 yrs
7th chakra crown – pure thought, infinite consciousness, spiritual wisdom
14-21 yrs
8th chakra – Book of life.  Akashic records
21-28 yrs
9th chakra – Life purpose, family programs can run here.  Miracles Manifest
28-35 yrs.
10th chakra – expressed feelings of self, spiritual into physical. Relates to groundings
preconception and conception.  Reactivated 35-42 yrs
11th chakra – pink energy around hands and feet. Transmutes energy external.
12th chakra – point in the center of the earth and surrounds body connects to 32 secondary chakras