The summer solstice is tomorrow morning. That means the earth's energy is changing. We are officially in a new season as of 5:30 am on June 21st. With each season, the earth goes through, frequency's or energy is also changing. I believe the earth is taking on a higher vibration. The planet is moving closer to Christ consciousness or that of unconditional love. With that higher vibration comes change for us. If you are experiencing change which can be painful, celebrate it. It is there to teach you a valuable lesson about who you are to bring you closer to unconditional love.
3 simple steps to move through change and or pain with grace and ease.
1. Instead of "Why me?" ask "What can I learn from this?"
2. See the Message of Love - which is who you are is a Divine Individual wanting to learn about this experience. Somewhere, sometime you agreed and even volunteered for this experience to learn more about the truth of who you are.
3. Quiet your mind to receive answers and journal those answers.
All of your experiences, especially the painful ones are designed to get your attention to discover more of the truth of who you are. Congratulations on moving more towards Christ Consciousness. If you are looking for more insight on this, feel free to email me.
If only life were that simple. I have often wondered about why things happen and what my role in them is. I see myself in situations where people I love walk away stronger, better, healthier, and I am left behind! If I could figure out why or what I am supposed to learn, it might not hurt so much.
Your article is very good.
Thanks so much for the information on the higher vibration that the earth is taking on Sandra. Larry and I notice with the changes of each season that there are changes that happen to us. In June, Larry and I thought something was happening with us and then read your thoughts and it all made so much sense to us! thanks so much for your helpful insights!We enjoy your thoughts and it helps us so much-we do grow from pain and no longer ask,Why Me,just what am I to learn from this & help others!
Hi Cathy,
First of all congratulate yourself for being so aware of how you're feeling. Figuring out what you wanted to learn from these experiences is your sacred journey on this planet. Seek answers. Ask "What am I to learn from this?" Learn to take your mind to alpha consciousness. This is where your logic won't interfere. Check out my new post "Receiving Answers" written because you inspired me..
When you can take these inspired action steps that come through your answers, the pain will dissolve into gratitude and peace.
Keep us posted
I recently had a life changing event. My mother passed away at the age of 68. Our relationship was non-existant to say the least. For all of my life I never felt her love, only her desire for me to be better, try harder, be a better daughter and person. I never felt like I was going to be good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough. I was inadequate in every way. I had and have dysfunctional relationships with men. I have always felt the same with them. That I wcould never be the "barbie" they wanted. I had thought maybe it was becaue of my relationship with my father. After meeting with Sandra and searching deep within, I realized it was my mothers expectations that had created my "pattern cycle". When she passed way, my life changed as well. It was if I became "lighter" in how I feel about myself. I am happier, less critical of myself, more patient, etc. It is as if her heavy spirit that had become my heavy spirit. Now that she has passed on, I know that I am free of those expectations that I have felt all of my life and now I can be the person I am meant to be. It has been a very liberating experience for me. I am so grateful for my past and now look forward to my future with much more joy and less pain from trying to be what I wasn't.
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